Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cullen's Cute Words

A few words from Cullen's personal vocabulary:

jeronamo- dramo (as he jumps from anything)

brother- brudder

light saber- life saver

extinct- instinct (The next two are used in conversations about dinosaurs.)

exhibit- incivic

thirsty- firsty

tissue- tennis shoe

These are just a few. My favorite is the last one. He has said this since he started asking for a tissue.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007


New Spiderman Costume.. .
The photo is a little blurry. It is hard to catch Spiderman on film.

Spiderman has been revealed. Don't tell anyone. He is so cute after a long day of fighting off whatever it is this Spiderman fights off.


Cullen loves Spiderman. In our house, he has made us all characters of the Spiderman Show. Here are our new names:

Cullen: Peter Parker a.k.a. Spiderman

Mom: Mary James (Mary Jane)

Dad: The Green Goblin

Nana and Papa sent Cullen a package in the mail the other day. It had many prizes and a Spiderman costume. The above are a couple of shots.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Baby Name Update 1

Cullen says, " Mama, we can name one baby George Little Foot, and the other Will Call."

I reply, "What do you mean two?"

Cullen says, "Girl for you, and brudder for me."

Me, "Cullen, I believe we will be having only one baby."

Cullen replies, "Since you are a girl and can't be a boy, then you can have a girl and a brudder."

I'm not sure what all is going through his little brain at this point, but it is to much if you ask me!

Our Pool Boy

Are you watching?

Just Chilling...

One more jump!

Look at my wrinkled feet.

Just a few pictures of our big boy at the pool. He loves the water. He will wear the goggles in or out of the pool. They are his blue glasses.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Cullen's Baby Name

Cullen wants to name the baby:

George Little Foot Estes
George after his squishy Iguana...
Little Foot after a dinosaur...
We have a few months to work on this, but for now it is cute.