Saturday, September 27, 2008


Dinosaurs watch T.V.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Ear Infections

Jennifer's daily medicines.

Jennifer has had a double ear infection since the end of August. She has been on four different antibiotics, two steroids, nose steroid, ear drops, tylenol and motrin. She also has an iron deficiency and is taking an iron supplement.

She saw an ENT yesterday. Brent and Cullen took her. It was a horrible trip for all involved. Jennifer is in a lot of pain and only wants Mama. Anyway, she is having tubes put in Wednesday, Oct. 1. He was very concerned that nothing has touched these ear infections, so he wants to get it done. I am very glad because she hurts so bad and does not sleep unless she is up right almost completely. You know what that means for me and her, not much sleep.

One more week of her being in pain. She is so helpless. It hurts my heart so bad to see her miserable.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Just Smiling
Zwieback toast in the new high chair!
Where's the toast?This was earlier today.
She just could not finish her green beans and mangos.
Look at those eyelashes.
Cullen's self portrait.
Nomar likes to hide under Jennifer's playmat.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Surviving IKE 2

We have power, and we are home. Our power was restored Wednesday night. We made it home Thursday to watch the tree people remove trees from our neighbors home. It is still unbelievable.

I am amazed at the different areas from the U.S. that have sent power trucks and tree removal crews here. I have seen trucks from New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia. Thank you for the sacrifice.

School for Brent will be back in session Monday. Some of our school district will be having school, and the rest of us are "on call." I don't know yet when our school will be back up and running. As of today it still did not have power.

Jennifer was back at the doctor today. Her ear infections are not clearing up so stronger antibiotics and steroids. If this does not work, we may be looking at tubes soon.

Cullen is doing great. He is enjoying Mommy being home when he wakes up, and having daddy to play with all day.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Surviving Hurricane IKE

We Survived!
We are all safe and our house made it through.
Some of our friends and neighbors were not as fortunate as we were.
It is complete devastation here. Ike was an enormous storm with a lot of rain and wind.
When it reached us, it was still a Category 2 hurricane, and we are an hour from the coast.
It went like this.
Winds started about 5 p.m. Friday. We stayed outside for awhile talking with neighbors not knowing IKE was going to be so ferocious. We stayed up watching IKE make landfall anxiously awaiting. Still only a little wind so to bed we went.
About 3:00 a.m. Saturday, Brent woke up and turned the T.V. on. We still had power and Dish Network. So we watched how bad it was, and we could hear it outside. The power started blinking. We then decided to lie down and watch the storm out the window. The power went off shortly after that. We could see the blue, green and pink light displays of transformers blowing. We saw trees bending to the ground and could hear them snapping and falling.
As daylight approached, IKE was still hitting us hard. We listened to updates on the radio and knew that we would still have wind and rain for the majority of Saturday.
When things became safe enough, Brent headed out to access damage. The report was bad.
A little while later when we heard big trucks and chainsaws, it was safe enough for the Family to go out. I could not believe what I saw. Houses with trees on them and in them.
There were no lives lost in our neighborhood, and that is a blessing. Brent has been able to physically help some of our neighbors with their damage. It was great to see our neighborhood come together to help each other in so many ways.
We stayed in our very hot home until Sunday evening late with no cell phone
service. We had to borrow friends phones in order to reach at least one person to make a contact. PawPaw and GiGi Estes called Sunday to tell us they had power. We went directly home, loaded up and came to their house. We had many offers from family to house us, and
we thank you. Upon arrival, we had two very grumpy children, two ear aches and two fevers.
Monday morning was spent finding a pediatrician in the area. The closest one with power was in Shreveport, LA. They are now medicated and not so grumpy.
They both did very good during the hurricane.
Our plans are to stay for awhile to regroup and get kids well. If power is still out at the
end of the week, we may head back with a generator. Their estimation of power restoration is 2 to 4 weeks. That is a long time with two kids!!
We are very blessed!
Thank you for your prayers!
Continue to keep us and others affected by IKE in your prayers.
This a long way from being over...

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Yesterday, Ike was heading far west from us. I did go fill up and pick up a few things just in case. Stores were already low. Last night, he moved east. When I say east I mean, Ike seems to be coming right over us. I had to work today. Brent attempted to go in, but the traffic was already at a stand still. He turned around and came home.

Being the super husband, he went back to the store to pick up more things. Brent and Cullen were at the store for 2 1/2 hours. This was not a fun experience for either of them. Then they went to get Jennifer. I finally was able to come home. We took pictures of the neighbors tree that leans toward our house (just in case). We are now nestled in. Ike should begin making a bigger presence tomorrow with eye landfall Saturday morning early. Tomorrow night should be good sleeping with all six of us in one room. The puppies do not like bad weather.

We are as ready as we will ever be.

On a side note. Cullen is tired of the hurricanes interrupting his shows.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Puppy Love

Hey Nomar!
Looking at Cullen.
Not the eyeball.
Aggie kisses
Nomar kisses
Our puppies...

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Sunday Afternoon Football

Pregame strategy...

He goes back.
He throws.
I'll get it.
Got it
Watching from the sidelines...

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Photos By Cullen

Cullen has been showing a big interest in photography lately.
Here a few of his recent photos.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008


August 18, 2008 was Jennifer's first day of daycare. It did not go well for all involved.
We both cried, and she refused to eat. Brent picked her up early her first few days.
It has gotten better.
Cullen's first day at Preschool (August 25th).
He was very excited to finally be in the big kid class at school.
Wow, he is so BIG!!! He even picked out his first day clothes.
He likes to pick out what he is going to wear.

Jennifer's first tooth (August 30th), and her first runny nose from daycare.