Cullen has gone from being the aggressor to the victim. On Wednesday, I picked Cullen up from daycare. He was very happy to see me. When he runs up to me I notice the scratch marks down the right side of his face, on his check and on his neck.
I get his note to read it because the afternoon girl knew nothing about the incident. It seems Cullen was playing with some toys in the corner when one of his "friends" attacked him. He was bleeding from his neck and crying. They took him to the office, doctored him up, and loved him. When they write these notes they will not give you the name of the child who does the attacking or who they attacked. We are fortunate that Cullen can verbalize very well. When I asked he told me a boy did it. When his daddy asked he said, "Isaac did it!"
This kid has a wrap sheet longer than Cullens. I believe his past offenses have been a lot more serious than hitting with a toy hammer. Cullen has come home in the past saying, "No, No Isaac. Share. Not nice."
The daycare assured us that the situation was being addressed. When Brent picked him up Thursday afternoon, there was a daddy having a heated discussion with one of the directors. Brent heard this, "Sir , when a child requires all the attention of both teachers it leaves nothing the others. There have been many incidences where he has been aggressive. Sometimes certain daycares just don't work out." Could it have been the attackers daddy?
Was this the kid that Cullen hit those times, and he just snapped?
Friday, February 24, 2006
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Salad or Grass?
It is either feast or famine with Cullen. He goes through stages where he eats nothing and then other times we cannot keep him full. He is beginning to try a larger variety of things.
Last night, MeMe brought me some of her salad that she had left over from lunch. This was no ordinary lunch or salad. She and Brent went to Pappadeauxs yesterday for lunch. This was a spinach and shrimp salad with a light bacon dressing. It was amazing!
I had already fed Cullen and was giving him a bath when I began to eat my salad. He decides that he wants a bite. I give him a spinach leaf with the stem still attached. He looks at it, plays with it for a moment, and then pops it in his mouth. He gets an odd look on his face, chews and swallows. "Good grass, Mama. More grass, please!" I laughed and told him it was spinach salad. He repeated, "Salad." "More grass Mama, More grass Mama." So I gave him more salad. He finished the salad portion for me. I did get a few shrimp!
Anyway, will I have to watch him closer when he plays in the yard? I fear he may try a variety of grass thinking it may all taste the same!
Monday, February 20, 2006
Friday, February 17, 2006
Einstein or Frankenstein
Today was a very challenging Friday at school. My students are ready for the weekend and did not want to be at school. Who am I trying to fool? They are ready for the weekend on Monday. So, am I. Anyway, today was challenging.
One of my students has a bad case of "learned helplessness." He does not want to do anything. He wants someone else to do the work for him or lead him through it step by step each time. For the nine hundredth time today (a slight exaggeration) he was at my desk with a math problem for me to walk him through step by step.
I said,"We just did a problem like this."
He replied,"Nonuh, it had different numbers."
I said,"Yes, it had different numbers, but you use the same steps."
He stated with a bit of confusion,"Is that how it works? The numbers always confuse me."
I replied,"Your sounds of confusion do not fool me. I taught you this myself. I know you understand it."
"OH! The answer is 5/7", he says in a soft voice.
I exclaim,"Way to go Einstein. Have a seat and finish, please."
I watch as he quietly returns to his desk with his head down. As he was walking, I was wondering why he looked so sad.
Just as I started to speak, he asks,"Do I really look like that guy with green things sticking out of his neck?"
Needless to say the class went wild! Of course, I explained to him who Einstein was...
After a brief history lesson, he asks,"Can I buy his brain and put it in my head?"
The madness had to stop because I was losing the battle here.
I told him the brain was so old that he wouldn't want it...
"Yeah, your right. I want a young, fresh brain. Do you know anybody?" he asks.
MY DAY....
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Corporate Holiday
Monday, February 13, 2006
My observations while at Chuck E Cheese:
Parents: Typically three types
1. Parents like Brent and I who follow their child everywhere even through the sliding tube.
2. Parents that play as many games as their children. Then insist that they count all the tickets to see who has the most!
3. Parents that sit tucked away in the booth hoping their child gets lost!
Children: Typically three types
1. Children who wait politely and quietly in line.
2. Children who tell others what to do.
3. Children who don't wait in line!
Chuck E, himself:
It was party, dance time when Chuck E made his appearance. He was a rather weathered looking rat. That could explain his lack of enthusiasm. Memaw has more spunk than that rat! I tell you if I would have paid for Cullen to have his party at Chuck E Cheese and that rat performed. The manager would have jumped in that rat suit and did a jig for us! I guess it goes back to the old saying, "It is hard to find good help these days."
Chuck E Cheese

It has been a while since we have (as a family)spent the day together. On Saturday, after Cullen and I took a nap we headed out! We decided to take Cullen to Chuck E Cheese or as Cullen would say Chuck Cheese Cheese. Of course, we(Brent & I) do not like Chuck E Cheese pizza so we went via Casa Ole. I know what you are thinking and you are right. None of this is on the diet. Anyway, Casa Ole was very good!
Chuck E Cheese was very crowded. It was Saturday. Why wouldn't it be crowded? Cullen had a good time even though you cannot tell by looking at his face in some of the pictures. When he is on a ride he normally doesn't smile so it is hard to tell if he is enjoying it or not. That is until the ride stops! Then he lets you know quickly what he wants next. All in all it was a good experience. Cullen did not hit, kick or push anyone!
Cullen had fun, and we were clausterphobic!
Friday, February 10, 2006
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Statue of Liberty
Every morning Cullen and I do certain things on the way to school. First, we buckle up for safety(which is for losers as per Brandon). Then, we turn on our rockin' silly songs. Next, is the drive by the prison horse fields. Cullen likes to roll down the window and wake the horses up by yelling,"Wake up, horsey." If they are awake he tells them to go to school. Back to singing we go.
I am telling you this because he has certain things he names as we pass. Such as: tractors, big truck, gas, playground, Statue of Liberty, ducks, goose... "Yes", I said "The Statue of Liberty." Liberty Tax Office is on our way to school, and they have a huge blow up of The Statue of Liberty. I am hoping that Cullen is to young to remember that he saw The Statue of Liberty on the way to school every morning while living in Huntsville, Texas. Geographically that could be a problem when he gets in school. I can see it now. "Teacher, The Statue of Liberty is located in Huntsville, Texas. We use to pass it everyday!" What a confused child!
Monday, February 06, 2006
One of my students came in for his afternoon class:
He said,"Mrs. Estes, my backpack has stunk all day."
I reply,"Did you check to see what it could be?"
He answers,"No, you think I should?"
I answer,"YES, if it stinks!"
He then goes plundering through his backpack. This is what I hear:
"Oh man, this is wet. Why is this wet? It smells like wet feet and crap. Oh dang it, that stupid cat. He used my backpack as the litter box, again. I must have left it open. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP I'll never get that smell out. The washing machine doesn't work. I'll kill that cat." He had been talking to himself, and this is where I decided to do the intervention. I did convince him not to kill the cat and to ask mom if they can take it to the laundry mat with the other clothes. He said, "Thanks Mrs. Estes, I would have never thought of that."
I am here to save the animal population from my students!
Happy Birthday
Cullen sang his version of Happy Birthday to his daddy.
It goes like this!
Happe Birtday to uuuu
Happe Birtday to uuuu
Happe Birtday to Dadde
Happe Birtday to u!
Yeah Cullen! (clap, clap, clap)
How sweet! He sang his first complete song to his Daddy!
The Yeah Cullen is explained by this: He is so use to positive affirmation from us that he doesn't wait for us anymore. He gives it to himself!
Friday, February 03, 2006
How many lunches does one person take in a 8 hour day?
Well, let me count.
Leave at 10:30 to get check cashed, pick up lunch and return at 11:10. Normal lunch starts at 11:25, so it is off to the lounge to eat. Back by normal time; 11:55. We are at two, so far!
Upon returning from lunch duty at 12:35, he grabs keys and says I'll be right back. When he returns at 1:30, he is very tired but has all his errands ran. I believe that counts for two more lunches. That would be four in a 8 hour day!
It must be nice to get paid to eat, run errands and check email all day! I am in the wrong profession. Maybe, I should be my assistant!