Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006
Aunt Joanie
We have been looking around in different neighborhoods and at different builders. We are trying to decide which direction to turn in regards to a house. There are a lot of options out there. We just haven't quite decided yet...
The above is so you will know what we were doing when Cullen found a new Aunt. We were talking with a lady about some houses and she had a sucker for Cullen. Oh, if you know Cullen suckers are the way to be his best friend.
She gave him the sucker and he says,"Thank you, lady." She tells him, "Call me Joanie." He said thank you lady a few more times and then I told him, "Cullen, her name is Ms. Joanie."
We went to a few model homes and looked around while Cullen worked on his sucker. When he was done he went to the lady and said,"Aunt Joanie, sucker?" Well, Cullen got another sucker from his Aunt Joanie. He finished that one, went back to her and patted her sweetly on the arm, "Aunt Joanie, sucker?" I wanted Cullen to eat dinner and sleep so I had to step in. "No more suckers!"
Cullen says, "Aunt Joanie, candy?" Oh, my goodness! Can you believe it? If he can't have a sucker then he will take a piece of candy. Mom had to step in again "No candy!"
We had to leave because Cullen was tormenting his new Aunt Joanie with those big blue eyes, big smile, blonde curls and sweet voice! She would have given him the entire bowl of candy if we would have stayed any longer...
Friday, May 19, 2006
Can you guess where I am?
Give up?
I am at school. Yes, at 5:50 on a Friday afternoon. I am a chaperone for our 6th Grade Dance. It is from 6:00 to7:30. I am happy to give my services for the good of the whole, but it is Friday night...
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
This Morning...
"Cullen are you ready to go to school?"
"No, to the beach. Get my hat."
We are raising him right...
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Happy Mother's Day
I got my Mother's Day present on Saturday. It was a big surprise because I was led to believe that I would be picking out some cologne at the mall on Saturday for my present.
Cullen and Brent came into the the room while I was getting ready to go shopping with a pretty bag. Cullen said, "Here Mommy, I open it." He did, and it was a beautiful pair of Diamond Earrings. They dangle just a little and have three diamonds on each earring. They are exceptional. Now, since they are open of course I would like to put them on, but Cullen did not want to give them up. He pitched a small fit, and then gave them up.
He said, "Here Mama. They are bootyful." He is right.
I had a very good Mother's Day. My guys love me and treated me very well! Thank you...
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Car Ride
I met Cullen and Brent yesterdy after work at Home Depot. Cullen rode with me on the way home. This is what we talked about:
Cullen: "My gatorade. I get it."
Me: "Do you have it?"
Cullen: "Yes."
Me: "Good Job."
Cullen: "My special rocks, please."
Me: "Here you go."
Cullen:"Open them."
Me: "Give them to me."
Cullen:"Mommy, open my special rocks."
Me: "Here you go."
Cullen: "I drop my special rock. Get it."
Me: "I can't reach the rock, sweety. You will have to wait."
Cullen: "I know Mama. You are driving in traffic."
Where did that come from?
Monday, May 08, 2006
Weekend Recap
Friday: Cullen and Brent had a guys day. Cullen stayed home with Daddy. Breakfast at the Duck Pond, lunch from Sonic, to the park, much needed nap, go see Nana, and ride Uncle Roger's golf cart. Then when Mom gets home everyone is worn out! Cullen now sings the "Peanut Butter and Jelly" song.
Saturday: We played basketball, grocery shopping because Cullen is eating us out of house and home, nap, swimming in the pool, get a prize for much potty training success (Fruity Pebbles?), blockbuster to look for something to watch, and pick up Subway for dinner.
Sunday: Church (Cullen needs to potty, goes with Mimi, and comes back in yelling, "I peepee potty, YEAH!" Yes, church is in progress.), out to lunch with Nana, nap, church, get Daddy's green sauce, eat, play, and to bed. He sang "BINGO" for us on the way home from the green sauce trip! So sweet...
We are making progress on the potty training.
Not much going on...
Friday, May 05, 2006
Spring Sing
Last night, Cullen made his first debut. They had practiced at school, and Cullen knew the first song really well. We waited for the little ones to walk in, and they were so cute. They lined up on the stage. You could see the surprise in their eyes when they saw all the people in the audience. The teachers started the song, and the kids did not follow along. Cullen just stared into the audience until the end. When the audience clapped so did Cullen with a big smile. The teachers started the second song and none of the kids followed along. Cullen did some of the hand motions for this song but no words came out of his little mouth.
They had practiced with no one in the audience, and I guess he had stage fright! He still was as cute as can be! He did a great job!!!!!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
A Few Days of Happenings...
2. Last night after our visit to the Sam Houston Duck Pond we came home. Cullen wanted to go outside, and Mimi took him out. About five minutes later, Mimi ran inside holding Cullen. She was as white as a ghost. What? A snake! I grabbed Cullen, Brent scrambled to get our dogs inside, and Mimi started breathing again. After everyone was safe and accounted for Brent went outside to get the snake. It was a CORAL SNAKE! Highly dangerous. Luckily it was DEAD! We are not sure what killed it. It was either one of Mimi's dogs or the Mama bird that has a nest near the location.
If you are wondering what Cullen did well, he found it, stood still and pointed. Mimi noticed him and went over to see what it was. She then snatched him up and ran. We are trying to convince Cullen that when you see a snake you run to one of us. He says, "Cullen throw things at it." Not good... He is very proud of his Daddy for getting rid of the snake!
We took a picture of the snake and looked it up on the internet because their is a King Snake that is similar to the Coral Snake. It was a Coral Snake! If you ever come across one and you are unsure, here is a little rhyme just for you:
"Red next to yellow kill a fellow. Red next to black venom I lack."
3. Cullen has his first performance tonight at school. It is the Spring Sing-A-Long for the Ones through the Pre-k. His class will be performing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." I will be the parent with the movie camera and the digital camera front and center getting every moment. You know the one who gets everyone else's way...
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
After Cullen went to the potty and flushed this morning, this is what he said:
Cullen: "Mommy, hold me. I'm Scared!"
Me: "Cullen, why are you scared? There is nothing for you to be scared of!"
Cullen: "There is a wolf in our bed! Hold me!"
I'll explain this story later...
Potty Training
We are attempting to potty train the toddler that we affectionately know as Cullen. Actually, we have been talking about the potty for a while now with Cullen. He has gone on the potty at sparatic times but nothing consistant.
He understands the concept but doesn't show a whole lot of interest. He had much rather do his business in the diaper or pull up and then tell me that he needs to be changed.
Over the course of a few days he has gone to the potty in the mornings and some in the evening. He is also waking up dry. This is a plus! When he does TeeTee in the potty, he gets excited about the flush. When he flushes he says, "Bye, Bye PeePee! Yeah Cullen!"
It will come with time and patience. He has a mind of his own. So when he decides that he wants to use the potty full time, he will! Until then I will diligently ask and attempt to put him on the pot to encourage the process and his Daddy will buy him prizes for actually going! I'm not sure how many more basketballs our house can hold. That seems to be the prize of choice!
This is what is going on at our house! EXCITING!!!
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Cullen's pillow that he sleeps on at daycare was destroyed by the boxer duo known as Aggie and Nomar. Of course, we did not tell Cullen this because he really liked it. It was his Florida State pillow.
Mimi, Cullen and I went shopping Saturday. Well, we went to Walmart. I told Cullen he should get a new pillow for school. He got excited, so off we went to pick one out. Mimi found some animal pillows one of which was a large, soft frog. That was it! Cullen loved it. "I'll sleep on green frog. Yes, I like green." he said. He held on to it the rest of the time at Walmart and when we put him in his car seat.
On the way home Mimi asked, "What are you going to name your frog?" He sat quietly for a few moments. Mimi said, "How about Freddie the Frog?" No response from Cullen. We thought he didn't want the green frog to have a name.
All of sudden he says, "I name him Sheila. Green Frog named Sheila." We have a new addition to our family.
Him name is Sheila!
Picture of Sheila to come soon!