1. I'll clear the wolves thing up! Brent was pretending like he was a wolf that was after Cullen. While I was making the bed, they became wolves with flashlights that were after ME! So, I guess Cullen was still playing when he woke up or just remembered that he left his fellow wolf in the bed and didin't know if he would wake up and come after us!
2. Last night after our visit to the Sam Houston Duck Pond we came home. Cullen wanted to go outside, and Mimi took him out. About five minutes later, Mimi ran inside holding Cullen. She was as white as a ghost. What? A snake! I grabbed Cullen, Brent scrambled to get our dogs inside, and Mimi started breathing again. After everyone was safe and accounted for Brent went outside to get the snake. It was a CORAL SNAKE! Highly dangerous. Luckily it was DEAD! We are not sure what killed it. It was either one of Mimi's dogs or the Mama bird that has a nest near the location.
If you are wondering what Cullen did well, he found it, stood still and pointed. Mimi noticed him and went over to see what it was. She then snatched him up and ran. We are trying to convince Cullen that when you see a snake you run to one of us. He says, "Cullen throw things at it." Not good... He is very proud of his Daddy for getting rid of the snake!
We took a picture of the snake and looked it up on the internet because their is a King Snake that is similar to the Coral Snake. It was a Coral Snake! If you ever come across one and you are unsure, here is a little rhyme just for you:
"Red next to yellow kill a fellow. Red next to black venom I lack."
3. Cullen has his first performance tonight at school. It is the Spring Sing-A-Long for the Ones through the Pre-k. His class will be performing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star." I will be the parent with the movie camera and the digital camera front and center getting every moment. You know the one who gets everyone else's way...
Railroad Trestle Hike
8 years ago
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