Phrase One: "I can't..."
He uses it all the time. No matter what the situation.
Mama:"Cullen, you need to eat."
"I can't..."
Daddy:"Cullen, pick up your toys."
"I can't..."
Mama:"Be nice to the dogs."
"I can't..."
Daddy:"Lets watch Little Einsteins."
"I can't..."
Phrase Two: "Maybe tomorrow..."
Mama:"We need to go to the store."
"Maybe tomorrow..."
Daddy:"Do you want to go to a new school?"
"Maybe tomorrow..."
Mama:"Lets feed the dogs."
"Maybe tomorrow..."
"Maybe tomorrow..."
He also chimes in things like "not today","I don't feel good" and "good job mom and dad." He is dropping the "dy" from daddy, and I am mom. He is formal these days.
Railroad Trestle Hike
8 years ago
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