Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Last Day

This was my last day as a free woman. It was very relaxing and nice. We ate a late lunch and went walking around Market square. It is a very nice little area. Cullen got a new book and some Jelly Bellies. I got a sofa table, picture, and two lamps for the foyer. Everything looks great except for the picture. I was not sold on it, so back it goes. It is just one of those things where I had to see it at home. I got to choose all the things since it was my last day of summer. I will miss being at home with Cullen and Brent, but back to work I must go.

We have not settled the daycare situation completely. We are still waiting on a miracle to occur between now and the 16th. Cullen will be at Daddy Daycare until the 16th. Good Luck to all involved...

Cullen has a new rhyme...
"Fe, Fi, Fo. I smell blood and cake."

I am not sure where the violent side of Cullen comes from.