We went to the doctor yesterday morning for my checkup and glucose test. Well, the glucola made me very sick and light headed. Brent had to check me in at the doctor because I could not stand up. This is what I heard from my seat:
Brent, " I'm here to check Wanda Estes in. She has glucose test this morning."
Receptionist, "O.K. fill out one of those for me."
Brief Silence
Receptionist, " Name"
Brent, "Wanda Estes E-S-T-E-S"
Brief silence
Recpetionist, "Is she with you today?"
Brief silence as Brent turns to look at me.
Brent, "Yes."
At that point, I was no longer listening because I was laughing. What a strange question for OB-Gyn receptionist to ask a man. Did she think that he was going to sit in for me at this visit? Anyway, it was funny.
I gained 2 pounds in 5 weeks, and the baby has dropped. My doctor drew my blood for the glucose test and was not gentle. I hope things change before delivery, or there could be some issues. I was due to have some other things done but me remaining conscious for them was an issue, so I will have them done in two weeks. He wants to see me every two weeks for the next two visits then switch to one. That is if I am still holding on. Our next ultrasound is not until the end of January. We wanted one earlier, but they do not want to more than they have to.
We discussed preterm delivery again. He says there are no predictors of it happening again, but it doesn't mean that it will not. Just to take it easy and refrain from numerous activities. If my water breaks head straight to the hospital. See you in two weeks and get something to eat.
We made amd dash for my favorite breakfast burrito place. That made it all better. We did a little shopping, had some sweets, and went to see Alvin and the Chipmunks. It was a cute movie. Cullen really liked it.
It is nice to be out of school...
Railroad Trestle Hike
8 years ago
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