Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I have been away for awhile. Since then, I have been tagged by Melissa.

The Rules:
Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.

Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog,

or share the 5 top places on your “want to see or want to see again” list,

or share 5 things you never pictured being in your future when your were 25 years old.

Tag a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.

Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog. The tagees have a choice of which they want to do.

I will list 5 top places I want to see or want see again: (6 for me)

1. A little place in Florida right on the beach. This place has one gas station, two little places to eat, and not much of anything else. You can stay on the beach all day and not see anyone. Brent and I love it there. PEACE AND QUIET!!!! Right now it is still a forgotten part of the coast, so I dare not reveal its location and name on the internet. I will though share with friends and family if you promise to never tell...

2. Hawaii: Yes, Hawaii. I have always wanted to visit. I want to see the beaches, the culture, and the volcanoes. Of course my vision of what I want it to be is probably not reality. I want to stay in a little place right on the beach. It must have at least two palm trees strategically placed with a hammock big enough for two, so we can relax and enjoy. I can't go without my husband. This would be a big kid trip.

3. Mexico: I am not sure where in Mexico. Brent wants to take me, and I want to go. If it has to do with a beautiful beach and my husband, I am there.

4. Snow Skiiing: I have always wanted to try snow skiing. I think it would be awesome. So this would require a trip to a Ski Resort somewhere. Brent and I have talked about a Christmas with snow and skiing. I will have to do some research on a kid friendly place, but this is one thing that I think would be fun to do.

5. Disney World: I have been and love it. I want to go again and take my sweeties. It will be a few years, but this is definitely one trip we will take.

6. Baseball Field Road Trip: Brent and I want to map out a Baseball Field Road Trip. We wanted to do this before jobs and kids, but it did not work. Our next plan is for when kids are older and time can be taken off from work. This trip is starting at one field during baseball season watching games and continue on visiting many different fields. We love baseball.

I tag Stacy and Michelle.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Baby Update 7

Yesterday, was our Ultrasound. She is a cutie. Yes, we are having a girl. It was confirmed again. The Lady was very good. She did a lot of pictures, and we have video. Cullen held my hand during the ultrasound and told me it would be alright. He is such the gentleman.

Our Little Jennifer is 6 lbs. As many of you know Cullen weighed 7 lbs 1 oz at 36 weeks, and that was almost more than I could take. We talked to the doctor and discussed our options and everything surrounding them. This is what we have come up with. If I go into labor within the next two weeks, then I should be able to have her just fine. If I do not, then we will have another ultrasound on February 7th to see how much she has grown. Which means the week of February 10th (sometime), Jennifer will be joining us via c-section.

I would like to have her on my own, but sometimes things don't happen like we want them to. The doctor is very conservative and wants what is the best for us. No matter what, we should be having a baby in about 2 1/2 to 3 weeks.

My next checkup is January 29th.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Sibling Class

Last weekend, Cullen went to a sibling class at the hospital where Jennifer will be born. He was excited when we signed him up over a month ago, but after church last Sunday, he wanted to come home. He didn't want to go to the class.

When we got there he was excited. It was very cute, and of course, I forgot the camera. They all sat in a circle and said there name and what they were going to have (sister, brother or a surprise). When it was Cullen's turn he said his full name and said,"I am having a baby sister." He is very proud. Then they watched a video about what babies do. Basically eat, sleep, cry, and go potty. The nurse asked them questions about the video, and Cullen answered a lot of them. Such the listener.

They broke up into groups. Cullen's group practiced holding a baby(babydoll) and feeding it a bottle. He looked so cute holding the little baby. He would turn to see if we were looking and smile. The next station was diaper changing and blanket wrapping. Cullen was so cute. I believe the nurse wanted them to follow her directions about diaper changing, but Cullen decided to go on without her. He got it off and got another one on fairly quickly. It just would not have held anything in the diaper if it would have been a real baby. I believe we will need to practice this a little more before we let him go with it. He did really well swaddling the baby in a blanket once he received some direction from the nurse. Before, the blanket was in a was on top of the baby. Then he picked the baby up holding its head. My Little Man...

He got a certificate of course completion. He has officially completed his first course in Big Brother Responsibilities.

It was very exciting to watch him be such a big boy. I, of course, was teary eyed during most of the class. I can't believe how he is growing. It seems like yesteday that Brent and I were attending classes in the anticipation of Cullen arriving, and now, we are taking Cullen to classes for Jennifer's arrival.

He is going to be a great Big Brother. Cullen takes very good care of me right now. He helps me with things like getting up and down , walking, cleaning, etc. He talks to Jennifer, hugs her, and pats her. Right now, he is very excited about her arrival.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Baby Update 6

Today, was a short and sweet visit. We went through all the usual things that I will not go into then listened to Jennifer's heartbeat. It is very strong. So, things went very well. Swelling is better, blood pressure is good, and she is low.

Next visit January 23, 2008.

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Conversations With Cullen

It is always fascinating to talk with Cullen. He says some of the most interesting and funny things. I need to be better about writing these things, down so that I will always remember the funny things he says. Here are a few things from the past week:
Cullen and I were turning off the T.V. and getting ready to get in the truck for church on Wednesday night.

Mom: " Cullen, you are #1."
Cullen: "Mom, you are #3."
Mom: "Who is #2?"
Cullen: "Aggie."
Mom: "I see."
Cullen: "Nomar is #4, Wally is #5, and Daddy is #6. That is how our family goes."

I must remind everyone that Wally is our recently deceased fish.

As Cullen is getting in the truck for church, he says, "I don't know why we have to go to church in the dark. Don't they know it is time for bed."

When we pulled in to the church parking lot, a sheriff pulled in behind us. I said, "The police are following us to church."

Cullen replies, "Mom, policeman need church, too."
We went to Lowe's to look at border for Jennifer's room. We left with nothing accomplished. As we were leaving:

Mom: "That is frustrating."
Cullen: "Mom, if it is frustrating then you need to stop, breathe, and think. That is what you need to do."
Dad and Mom, "What?"
Cullen: "Stop, breathe, and think. That is what Steve says on the T.V."
Mom: "Steve who?"
Dad and Cullen: "Steve from Blue's Clues."
Cullen: "Yes, that is what he says to do about frustrating."
We went to the mall not long ago to look around.

Mom: "Guys, I need to go to the restroom."
Cullen: "Knock yourself out."

I am living with one Big Brent and one Little Brent.
Cullen was making a loud clicking noise with the chair.

Mom: "Cullen, please stop,"
Mom: "Cullen, I am asking nicely again please stop."
Cullen: "I know what is next. How many times do I have to ask you to do soemthing? I'll answer it, too. 8 times."

As stated earlier, I am living with one Big Brent and one Little Brent.
I was not feeling well at all the other night and was telling Brent about it. Cullen came in the room and listened to the end of our discussion.

Cullen: "Well, has your water broke?"

Maybe he has gone to the baby doctor with us one to many times.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Baby Update 5

I went to the Baby Doctor yesterday. I am at the visits every two weeks. This visit was basically a little test and a few directions. First, to much salt in the diet. I must cut back due to swelling. Second, I must sit down more and take it easy at work and home. We don't want Jennifer to be here with us this soon.

I will see the doctor again on the 17th then the one week visits begin. Our next ultrasound has been changed to the 23rd. He will do measurements and fetal weight. Since Cullen was big for his early, delivery date, Jennifer needs to be checked out.

It is getting close. Jennifer will be here before we know it. How exciting...