Last weekend, Cullen went to a sibling class at the hospital where Jennifer will be born. He was excited when we signed him up over a month ago, but after church last Sunday, he wanted to come home. He didn't want to go to the class.
When we got there he was excited. It was very cute, and of course, I forgot the camera. They all sat in a circle and said there name and what they were going to have (sister, brother or a surprise). When it was Cullen's turn he said his full name and said,"I am having a baby sister." He is very proud. Then they watched a video about what babies do. Basically eat, sleep, cry, and go potty. The nurse asked them questions about the video, and Cullen answered a lot of them. Such the listener.
They broke up into groups. Cullen's group practiced holding a baby(babydoll) and feeding it a bottle. He looked so cute holding the little baby. He would turn to see if we were looking and smile. The next station was diaper changing and blanket wrapping. Cullen was so cute. I believe the nurse wanted them to follow her directions about diaper changing, but Cullen decided to go on without her. He got it off and got another one on fairly quickly. It just would not have held anything in the diaper if it would have been a real baby. I believe we will need to practice this a little more before we let him go with it. He did really well swaddling the baby in a blanket once he received some direction from the nurse. Before, the blanket was in a was on top of the baby. Then he picked the baby up holding its head. My Little Man...
He got a certificate of course completion. He has officially completed his first course in Big Brother Responsibilities.
It was very exciting to watch him be such a big boy. I, of course, was teary eyed during most of the class. I can't believe how he is growing. It seems like yesteday that Brent and I were attending classes in the anticipation of Cullen arriving, and now, we are taking Cullen to classes for Jennifer's arrival.
He is going to be a great Big Brother. Cullen takes very good care of me right now. He helps me with things like getting up and down , walking, cleaning, etc. He talks to Jennifer, hugs her, and pats her. Right now, he is very excited about her arrival.
Railroad Trestle Hike
8 years ago
Such a big boy! I know you are proud! I wanted to let you know that I started a blog, finally! The address is
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