Thursday, February 28, 2008

Snuggle Buddy

Nomar's New Snuggle Buddy!
Napping in the sun!

I can't help but take pictures of her all the time.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Sweet fingers...
Sweet toes...
Jennifer loves her big brother...
Her bow is still big but looks cute!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Cullen's Favorite Orange Shirt

Cullen wanted everyone to know that this is his "most favorite orange shirt." He really likes the red dinosaur that is covered by the bottom fold up.
Loves the camera.
He has the sweetest smile. It melts my heart everytime I see it!
He also wants everyone to know that he loves his Mommy, Daddy, and Jennifer very much.

Friday, February 22, 2008

2 Weeks Old

Jennifer is two weeks old today.
The time is passing quickly.
She had her two week well baby visit today. Doctors are old hat for us because we have been going every two days since she was born for one thing or another. The last thing has been weight checks. She was not gaining like she should, so we had to check it every two days. Jennifer needed to be at her birth weight by today, and she made it! Yeah Jennifer!!!!
She had her two week well baby screen and 1st HEP B shot today.
Poor baby was fussy after all the poking the ladies did to her.
Here are a few pictures of our Sweet, Baby Jennifer and of course, her Big Brother Cullen...


Monday, February 18, 2008

Big Brother

Super Big Brother
Proud Big Brother
Lots of kisses
World's Coolest Big Brother!
A gentle touch...
Cullen loves his new Baby Jennifer. He is such the helper!
We are so blessed to have two wonderful children!


On February 11, 2008, I became worried that Jennifer was not eating enough. She was sleeping all the time and would fall asleep during feedings. We made an appointment and took her to see the doctor. She was not dehydrated, but the doctor was worried about her being jaundice. Off to the lab. Her bilirubun was 15.8. Instructions were given and another test was ordered for the morning of Febraury 13, 2008.

By 1:20 on February 13, 2008 it was 18.8, and the doctor admitted Jennifer into the hospital. We stayed until 6:00 p.m. February 14, 2008, and had blood test every 12 hours. She had to wear this little mask and stay under a light. I just wanted to hold her the whole time. They let us go when her bilirubun was at 11.5.

She looks much better now, but is still not gaining weight like the doctor wants her to. As of today she is back up to 6 lbs. 11 ozs, but should be at birth weight by Friday. We go in Wednesday for another weight check. Hopefully we will make it.

Jennifer's Arrival

I will start her story by going back to the February 7, 2008.

This was our last ultrasound and doctor appointment. The measurements had her at 6 lbs. 10 ozs. So this left us with a few options. We could wait it out and see if I could have her or schedule an induction or c-section for the week of the 11th.

Brent and I discussed and weighed out our options. We went back and forth on what to do. Wait it out or schedule? Just when we thought we had it figured out, we would change our minds. So with the final decision being that we would try to schedule c-section for February 13, 2008 or induction for February 15, 2008, we went to bed. Both of us prayed that night that the best thing happen in this situation.

Our prayers were answered. The morning of February 8, 2008, on my way out the door (literally) my water broke. I went in the bedroom and woke Brent up. "Baby, my water broke." He responds, "Really? This is not a joke?" No jokes here. Contractions came on hard and quick. We did have time for Brent and Cullen to get dressed, to call PawPaw, and to get the rest of my things together, which was very quick! We called everyone else on the car ride to the hospital.

Off to the hospital. We were there by 8:15 a.m. I signed in and sat in the waiting area. I guess so many women come in who are not in labor that they take their time when anyone comes in. Finally, they checked me and, guess what, I was in labor. The doctor's office was already calling to find out our decision. They were shocked when I told them where I was. They had us in a room around 9:45 a.m.

By the time we got into the room, my contractions were 2 minutes apart. I had already asked twice for my epidural. I was put off because of my I.V. not being started and my bloodwork not being done. It was made clear that I did not want my window of opportunity to be missed on this (my last labor was as natural as I want ot get. Sorry, if this offends anyone). Anyway, around 11:30, the Epi Guy came a calling. They made Brent leave, and I was left with the nurse and Epi Guy who did not look like a Anesthesiologist.

Now, that is taken care of. I was also given Pitocin to help the process. I was resting comfortably. At about 1:50 p.m., Jennifer's heart rate dropped very low; almost to no beats at all. As I was sitting up, because I did not here her anymore, 5 people came running in, flipped me over and began to help. All at once, I could hear her again. She had dropped so quickly that she was in distress. Brent, Cullen, and PawPaw came back in. At 2:00 p.m. the doctor was in the room, and we were ready. PawPaw and Cullen went to the waiting area.

At 2:30 p.m. Jennifer Ashlyn Estes made her entrance into this world! What a beautiful sight and sound.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Early Arrival

Jennifer Ashlyn Estes
Born: February 8, 2008
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Weight: 6 lbs. 15 ozs.
Length: 20 1/4 inches

We are doing well and at home. She is such a blessing!
Jennifer looks like her brother.
I'll upload more images later with the whole story!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


This weekend was Brent's Birthday! We did not forget, but we were confined to the house with a case of Pink Eye and the symptoms of a cold (which is pneumonia, poor Cullen)! I say confined. We were home after a 2 hour wait at the doctor and 1 1/2 wait for a prescription.

It was not the Birthday of biggest celebrations, but it was special because it was my Sweet Husband's Special day! Brent did not get what he asked for because I thought a monkey would not be a good idea as a new member to our family at this time.

Cullen did have plans for a surprise party but forgot the invitations. It was good that he did forget to send invitations because he was only inviting a few people.

Here is Cullen's list: MeMe, PaPa, PawPaw, Brandon, Matthew, Brittany, and Emily. Please, don't get your feelings hurt if you were not on the list. I don't think I was invited either.

I love you very much, Brent. You are a terrific husband and father. I am so blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with you!

Monday, February 04, 2008

My Boy

We found Cullen's Spiderman sunglasses.

Mom: "Cullen, you look very handsome in your Spiderman sunglasses."

Cullen: "You mean very distinguished."