On February 11, 2008, I became worried that Jennifer was not eating enough. She was sleeping all the time and would fall asleep during feedings. We made an appointment and took her to see the doctor. She was not dehydrated, but the doctor was worried about her being jaundice. Off to the lab. Her bilirubun was 15.8. Instructions were given and another test was ordered for the morning of Febraury 13, 2008.
By 1:20 on February 13, 2008 it was 18.8, and the doctor admitted Jennifer into the hospital. We stayed until 6:00 p.m. February 14, 2008, and had blood test every 12 hours. She had to wear this little mask and stay under a light. I just wanted to hold her the whole time. They let us go when her bilirubun was at 11.5.
She looks much better now, but is still not gaining weight like the doctor wants her to. As of today she is back up to 6 lbs. 11 ozs, but should be at birth weight by Friday. We go in Wednesday for another weight check. Hopefully we will make it.
Railroad Trestle Hike
8 years ago
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