Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Surgery Cancelled

We had to cancel Jennifer's surgery that was scheduled for tomorrow due to her having a virus. This virus has given her puss pockets on her tonsils and down her throat, a fever and is causing her to throwup. Jennifer feels very bad right now. She is finally sleeping, and I am about to join her.


Michelle said...

I'm so sorry! I will say a prayer right now!

Anonymous said...

What kind of surgery and have I missed something? I did not know about the surgery. You both will be in our prayers and keep me posted.

Ashley said...

You all are in our prayers. Hope you get some rest & Jennifer is soon feeling better. Ashley

Wanda said...

Emmy, Jennifer had ear tubes put in October 1st. They fell into her eardrums not long after. She has had a lot of trouble and consistant pain. She was due for the second set today but is to sick. Thank you for your prayers and concern. Wanda