Saturday, August 16, 2008

Camping Out or In

Cullen has been wanting to camp out, and Brent has been promising him.
Well, tonight is the night, and guess what happened? "Rain" and lots of it.
That is O.K. because they can just Camp In.
This way they can still have all the perks that come with being inside. Such as: T.V. and AC.

Cullen was very excited. He didn't care if it was outside or inside.
The view from upstairs.
What fun!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

6 months old

Jennifer is six months old.
Half a year has passed, can you believe it?
She is doing great. Loves to eat and always wants what I have.
She drinks really well from a cup for a 6 month old. Jennifer enjoys playing with Cullen.
My baby is growing way to fast.
Doctor's report:
length: 26 inches ( 60 percentile)
weight: 14 lbs. 15 ozs. (25 percentile)
head: 16 inches ( 10 percentile)

She was due for 4 shots this time. We opted for two this week and two next week. This is because she had a very difficult time with the 5 shots she got at 4 months.
The doctor says we may be getting teeth soon.

She is such a good and beautiful baby.

Since July 24th

It is hard to believe next week school starts. Our summer has flown by.

A liitle recap of what has been going on since July 24th (last post):

* Recovery from surgery has been going good.
*Brent and Cullen have been swimming.
*We went to Midland to stay with MeMe and Poppy.
*Jennifer can sit up by herself.
*Jennifer turned 6 months old.
*Cullen played Putt Putt for the first time. He finished with 2 holes in one and made par on many of the holes.