Wednesday, April 15, 2009

5th Birthday

Happy 5th Birthday to our
wonderful son, Cullen Blake Estes!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Finally Pictures

This is what I came home to the other day!
Great outfit, huh?
Be still my heart...
Busy transporting blocks from one location to another.
Notice the wind blown hair and rosy cheeks!
This is a different day.
I think the pictures say it all!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

March to April

March was good for us. Everyone was well except for the ear infection Cullen got toward the end of Spring Break.

We spent Spring Break in Midland with Meme and Poppy. It was a very fun visit. I was able to get Jennifer's 1 year pictures taken while we were there. They turned out really pretty. Cullen was able to play Brent's Nintendo from when he was younger. Cullen thought that was great. He says Poppy needs to practice up for next time. We went to the park everyday. Watching Cullen take his sister's hand and helping her walk to play with him is a moment I will treasure always.

Congratulations Meme on passing your state test.

She is growing like a weed. She is filling out a little. Jennifer loves to eat. We have started giving her soy milk because the whole milk made her sick. She can eat cheese and yogurt, but whole milk was not for her.

She loves music, to dance, give five, make fish lips, call Aggie, to be outside and is trying to say everything. Jennifer has been moved up to the wobbler room at school and at daycare. She is loving it. Jennifer loves to give kisses and hugs. She always has a baby close by and loves to be read to.

Jennifer has 12 teeth. She is in the process of cutting four molars at the same time. She is very fussy but still a great baby girl. Everytime I hear her say Mama my heart skips a beat. Her voice is so tiny and sweet.

She wants to do everything that Cullen does. Cullen calls her his Little Princess.

He is such a good boy. Cullen is doing well in school. I got a note yesterday that said he was the fastest stick horse racer. You have to understand that his teachers to not write anything on his notes other than good day or what negative thing he did that day. A positive was a nice treat for him and us. I need to clarify that Cullen is not bad at school, but he is four years old. His teacher, I believe does not have the patience that 12 four year olds deserve but enough about that.

He is growing so fast mentally and physically. He is very tall. Brent and I tell him everyday that we need to put a brick on his head so he will stop growing. His smile and laugh just take your breath. He is becoming very independent and enjoys playing with his friends outside.

I can't believe that he will be 5 years old in a few days. Wow, it has flown by. He is really excited about his birthday and wants to do so much for it. He is wonderful!

Cullen is so good with Jennifer. He helps me a lot with her. He will play with her and is always on the stairs patrol for me.

He is busy this semester at school with day classes, night classes, graduate coordinating and at home with being a great hubby and daddy. Brent just returned from a conference in Florida and was able to meet up with a good friend of his from college while he was gone. He really enjoyed the visit.

So I have caught up with us. I'll post some pics soon.