Tuesday, January 31, 2006


In my last post I was talking about Melissa my sister-in-law! Some of you may get confused with Melissa aka Nanny Lissa. Melissa is Brandon and Matthew's Mommy. Nanny Lissa is Elizabeth and Adriana's Mommy. Now that we have that settled. You can see Melissa's blog if you click on her link. She is funny!

Sunday, January 29, 2006

MaMa MaMa MaMa...

I was reading Melissa's Blog about Matthew finally escaping out of his crib on Saturday night. I thought, how on Earth did they keep him in the crib that long without him trying to get out? It is a case of knowing Matthew when I ask this question. He and Cullen are like two peas in a pod when together. They are active, active, active!

That same night at about 11:30 p.m., Brent and I were watching Saturday Night Live, when I hear the door knob turn and a little voice repeating the word, "MaMa, MaMa, MaMa..." Cullen had been in bed since 7:30. He got out of bed, with both of his blankets in tow, opened the bedroom door, shut it back, removed the dog gate, crossed the railroad tracks(Thomas the Train) and opened our make shift living room door. It was pitch black dark out there, and he managed to make it with everything he deems important in life: his blankets and pacifier to come find his parents and puppies. He did all of that just for someone to take him back to bed. That is really what he wanted. I picked him up, he laid his head on my shoulder and said,"Bed!" It was a long and trying journey. Cullen needed rest!

Cullen and Matthew may be miles away but are still pulling the same little stunts!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The Call

Wednesday, while at school the Daycare calls. Oh my, what could it be? Did Cullen break something or someone? No, he is just sick and has been crying for 30 minutes. Who makes the decision on the number of minutes or hours that pass before the parents of a sick child are called? You know it usually takes the parents a few minutes to get there, also! I feel that this should be taken into consideration.

Brent went to get Cullen. I finished the day at work. Brent tells me Cullen is very sick, and he hasn't seen him this way in a long time. So, I call and make Cullen a doctor's appointment for 5:00. Normally, I would make it home in 20 minutes and that would be plenty of time to get Cullen and make it to the doctor. Not today! I know more get on the highway when traffic stops completely. I mean the wind is not even moving! So, as you can guess this is the day that there was a traffic pile up the size of Texas! (There were no fatalities, but it was a mess.)

Needless to say, I had to meet them at the doctor's office. Cullen looked terrible. The doctor came in and examined him. He has an ear infection and possibly Strep Throat. They did not check for it because he is getting strong meds anyway! We are on our way out. Brent is paying, and Cullen and I are waiting. Then in a matter of half a second, Cullen projectile vomits all over me, Brent, the door, the floor, and in my purse. It was something out of the exorcist! He was pitiful!

All the way home Cullen was saying, "Mommy wet, stink, yuck. My mouth hurts!"

This was the most horrible ride I have ever had with Cullen! Good news is Cullen has kept the medicine down and is doing better already!

I still smell VOMIT.... Will it ever go away?

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Cell Phone

My Papa let me use his Cell Phone! Well, my Papa lets me do anything I want...

Singing and Dancing...

Cullen loves to sing and dance. When he hears music he goes to town. It started with just arm movements and has moved to full body motion! It is the cutest thing to watch. We put on a performance for Daddy the other night of "If Your Happy and You Know It". He is a very good performer!

Brent talked with one of the Daycare Directors the other day about Cullen. ...She says, "Oh, Cullen loves chapel!" Brent replies, "That is great." Says proceeds to tell Brent,"Yeah, Cullen just sings and dances the whole time!"

To my knowledge, Cullen does not do this at New Waverly Church of Christ. Then again when out of my sight there is no telling what he does. I am not sure what belief the Methodist Daycare thinks we are, but Cullen is the life of chapel!

Friday, January 20, 2006

The Bully is Back

The Bully of United Methodist Child Development Center has struck again. Brent picked Cullen up yesterday, and the afternoon young lady says, "Cullen had a good day. Oh yeah, I think he bit someone."

Later in the evening...
Brent and I are having our typical afternoon conversation while I am on the way home:

Brent:"How was your day?"
Wanda: "O.K. A student pushed me and called me a B_ _ _ _!"
Brent: "Oh, really!"
Wanda: "How was your day?"
Brent:"Busy and long."
Wanda:"How was Cullen's day?"
Brent:"Good, but he bit someone again!"
Brent:"I didn't know he had bit someone before."
Wanda:" Me either! I'll find out tomorrow!"

Of course, Cullen could not let us know what happened, so this morning I asked his teacher.
This time it wasn't Earth shattering.

It happened before lunch. A little girl was pointing her finger in Cullen's face and telling him,"NO!" That is Cullen's favorite word so I can only assume he did not want her using it or that he is not big on fingers in his face. Therefore he bit the finger that happened to be near his mouth! I know, it is no excuse biting is wrong, and I have discussed this with my 22 month old. He is not gender specific to who he bullies. If you mess up with my son then you are going to get it no matter who you are!

They have to write these incidences down for future reference!

Yes, another report was written. He has two documented cases of aggression toward others in his file!

Oh my, he is only 22 months old and has a file!

What does the future hold for us?

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Top 10 Ways to Fight Sleep

These are Cullen's Top 10 Ways to Fight Sleep on any given night:

10. When asked if you are ready for bed say"NO!" and begin spinning very fast.

9. When finished reading second book insist on reading as many more as possible.

8. When saying prayers bless everyone you can think of at least twice.

7. Throw your pacifier then say, "Uh Oh, get it."

6. Ask to be rocked then when rocking begins say,"Bed sleep me."

5. Ask if evryone is going to sleep including relatives in Alabama, Missouri, all animals in the house, and Elmo!

4. Point to, poke and name all body parts that you know.

3. With eyes closed, blanket tangled in arms, and pacifier in mouth clap your hands. If you miss, just spread fingers farther apart and hit harder.

2. Bang head on mattress while unraveling more of your favorite blanket.

The number one way to fight sleep:

Lie flat on your back, eyes closed, favorite blanket on chest, and pacifier in mouth then just as you drift off thrash arms and legs straight into the air allowing them to land anywhere they fall! (repeat this until you have no more left in you)

NICK The Mental Giant

Brent has a Literacy Class on Wednesday nights this semester. Literacy being the key word here. If it is not bad enough that the teacher is strange, he has one of those guys in his class. You've all been there. You know, that guy that asks useless questions, make senseless comments, and generally makes an idiot of himself. Brent dreads going to this class, but I am enjoying the stories.

Last night Brent came home and shared these things with me.

Assignment: Write down a book that you have read and describe how it impacted your life. Lets all share our thoughts.

To me: Brent says, "Maybe I have a closed mind about this whole reading thing, but these people are emotional and really into the discussions. I want to just find out what I need to do and get on with it." His book, by the way, was "Lord of the Flies." His reasoning is that it is the only book he has read that doesn't deal with sports!

NICK(that guy): Describing his favorite book, My Life, by Bill Clinton....."I believe what I believe... And that book, it just concreted what I alreadys believes. I must have read it, I think three times, Man."

Discussion: While the teacher was eating her chocolate eclair ice cream on a stick she began discussing with the class different types of reading material. Her discussion was something like this: "When reading a book on how to make bowls, the information you get will describe how to make bowls. If you read a nonfiction book, then you can make alot more inferences such as different main ideas and underlying meanings."

NICK (that guy): "YEAH! I know what you mean, when I read a book about making bowls, that bowl it it just comes alive!"

Is he reading about bowls or smoking one?

If you think Brent has kept his thoughts about Nick to himself, then you are wrong. He informed his table during break: "That guy is an idiot."

Stay tuned for more amazing quotes from the mental giant we affectionately refer to as Nick.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Cullen's favorite word is: NO!!!!

We are trying to discourage the use of this word by everyone. When we are playing we ask Cullen for things, and he says, "NO!"

On Sunday we were playing basketball, and I asked for the ball. Cullen yelled, "NO!" I said, "Cullen that is not nice. You should share with Mama." He looked at me and walked behind the couch for a minute. He then returned with the ball, brought it to me and said, " Hew you go." How sweet that little voice sounded and that face looked. He had to think about it, but he did share. I was able to hold the ball for a few seconds and then he wanted it back. It is a start for an only child!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

We Are Still Here

Yes, we are still in the land of Blogger. I must explain my lapse in entry writing. Lately I haven't had access to a computer. Believe it or not we have three computers at home. One belongs to Brent and I and two belong to the Bowman family. I know you are thinking with three computers I could at least use one. Well, you're wrong. Brent is working very hard on the final part of his dissertation, new classwork and his job. John is studying, and Kim is playing games or looking for places to buy. I am left out of the computer world. The only place lately I have to write is at school which is my job. I have to teach the kids or chase them which ever comes first! There are still no pictures because I can't get to my computer to download them. COMING SOON I PROMISE!!

Well, Cullen is adapting very good to daycare. He walks inside now caring his backpack but is still ready to go when someone arrives to get him!

Now, last week I decided I would pick him up because I always drop him off therefore I am the bad guy! So, I get there, and Cullen is by the cubbies with pacifier in mouth and big tears falling down his face. Of course I am shocked and grab him immediately. One of the young girls comes to me with his chart for the day. She says, "We had a problem with Cullen today. He hit one of his friends with a toy. We tried to put him in timeout, but he would not sit. We then sat by him and told him that hitting his friends was wrong, and he should not do that." I asked if he just walked up and hit or if they were playing? She says, " They were playing, but he still cannot hit." I agreed that he should not hit and that I would talk with him about it. You have to understand this young lady acted like they had to take this child to the emergency room and that Cullen was a bully!

It really bothered me that Cullen was so withdrawn and upset after the incident that I spoke with his morning teacher the next day. She had just read the report. YES, I said the report. The young lady wrote Cullen up. You know you have to watch out for those 21 month old bullies. Mrs. Cathy had already planned to speak with the afternoon girls about the habits of one and two year olds. They have to be taught and guided not drug to timeout for a mishap!

So, watch out for the Bully!

Monday, January 09, 2006

He Likes Daycare

He officially does like daycare. He cried a few tears this morning for me. You know maybe she won't go if I cry type tears, but I did. As soon as I was out of sight they stopped. I always wait at the end of the hall until they stop. I didn't even get to the end of the hall, and I did not hear him anymore. This is a terrible thought maybe they covered his mouth so I would go. Just kidding....

I called of course at lunch, and his day has been grand! They have bought new toys for his room just because Cullen likes them. Can anyone guess? Elmo, farm animals and puzzles those are his toys of choice! They said he is smart, friendly and very loving. That is Cullen. He must be showing his true self!!!! As everyone knows I am biased.

I am at school right now. It is reinforcement time for my behavior students. This is what I am hearing. "Can you tell him to quit?" "Can you tell them to go away?" " Can you tell them to shut the f--- up?" "I Don't Care." These sweet phrases are coming from my students. My assistant is saying " ." That is nothing as usual. I must go before someone is hurt!!!!

Saturday, January 07, 2006

The Weekend

Congratulations Brittany on winning your basketball game today! Go Leopards!!! How about that shot you made?!

Cullen had a "GREAT DAY" on Friday at school. He cried a little bit when I left, but that was it! When Brent picked him up , he was playing and having a good time. Well, that is terrific he finally is settling in. Of course, that would happen on Friday and now he has two days at home! He may have a little trouble Monday, but hopefully he will adjust quicker next week!

The diet has been very successful this week for three of us. That means one of us is struggling. This person is not of the Estes team and is not a female. Diets are difficult especially for me because I LOVE FOOD!!!

Today was our cheat day. We (Estes Team) allow ourselves at least one nice cheat meal a week, and it is usually on Saturday. Pappasitos was the restaurant of choice. We had conqueso and steak fajitas. It was very, very good! I'm sure noone else appreciates this detail of the meal, but after a week of sacrifice, it was better than usual!!!!

Now, that Cullen is asleep and all is quite I am going downstairs to enjoy my leftovers from today. Yes, I know that is more than one meal and look at the time, but the cheat day is not over yet! MMMMMMMMM!!!

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Estes/Bowman Weight Off

Well, I have been going through the daycare ordeal so I have forgotten to let evryone know about "The Great Weight Loss Battle." A battle of the bulge if you will. As many of you know I have gained an excessive amount of weight. The amount I have gained will not be disclosed at this time due to the embarrassment I would endure! Anyway, on Sunday night the four adults in the house weighed and declared it war! The winners will have lost the most according to their body percentage. This little war or battle will last 3 months and at that time the losers will pay up. When we decide what the winners get, I will let you know!

If anyone has any suggestions, let me hear them. Of course I suggested food. They laughed at me....

May the best couple win!!!

Afternoon 3 & Morning 4 of Daycare

Brent picked Cullen up yesterday early to help with the daycare situation. He had been crying, and Brent discussed Cullen with the director and his teacher like I have. They assure us it is normal, and he is doing better than most children do when they first start. That does not help me very much! We met at the park, looked at alligators and fed the duck Cullen's lunch because he is not eating. Someone or something might as well enjoy it!

This morning he began crying as soon as he saw the building. He went from singing the Jack and Jill song to crying. I stayed outside the door until he stopped, which made me late for work. Oh well, Cullen is the man! I called at his lunchtime. He had a much better morning. He actually played with toys and children. He is Mrs. Kathy's helper. That is the teacher he really likes. He also ate some lunch today! So hopefully he is doing better.

Time will tell! Brent is getting him again today because I have a meeting!! I am the evil parent for taking him, and Brent gets to rescue him! I am a mean Mom!!! HA HA!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Day 2 & Morning 3 of Daycare

Cullen went in O.K., but when he noticed that I left, he cried. On and off all day he cries and wants to come home, but they assure me he will adjust and that all kids go through this. It is hard for me. When I picked him up he was sitting on the floor holding Elmo and crying. They say he starts to get sad when the other parents start picking the kids up.

This morning he screamed when I left. I waited in the hallway until he calmed done. It took a few minutes, but he stopped. Brent is picking Cullen up earlier today so maybe that will help us all!
I feel bad for him! Maybe today will be better for him!!!!!

Monday, January 02, 2006

Cullen's First Day At School...

Brief History of the Daycare Search..

As many of you know, Cullen had a wonderful Nanny in Tallahassee. Her name is Melissa aka Nanny Lissa. We were very blessed to have her take care of Cullen thus making us very spoiled.

Since we have moved, I visited many daycares and called a home daycare that I heard good reports on. There was no luck on the one in home daycare because cullen was to young. Upon evaluation the First United Methodist Church had the best to offer Cullen. Of course, they did not have an opening so we were put on a waiting list. This is an example of it not what you know it is who you know. Brent's Aunt Toni and Uncle Roger go to church there, and Uncle Roger use to be on the daycare board. The daycare called us a few days before Christmas break with an opening. Cullen was going to start school!

First Day...

Today was Cullen's first day. He did not cry when I left. I did. If you don't know, I am one of those Moms. I want to be with him all the time. His day was good. He took a nap one a mat like a big boy and ate lunch in the lunchroom. I did walk in at the wrong time because I could here him when I opened the door. I guess he had enough and wanted his Momma. He was crying. They had nothing but good things to say about him. He is not use to so many kids and adults.

Oh Nanny Lissa, if you read this! We miss you greatly and wish that you would move to Texas. You were a blessing to Cullen and to us. Thank you for all that you did for him!

****If you want to see pictures from the first day, you won't because I left the camera and his registration papers at home this morning! Organized? What is that?****