Sunday, January 29, 2006

MaMa MaMa MaMa...

I was reading Melissa's Blog about Matthew finally escaping out of his crib on Saturday night. I thought, how on Earth did they keep him in the crib that long without him trying to get out? It is a case of knowing Matthew when I ask this question. He and Cullen are like two peas in a pod when together. They are active, active, active!

That same night at about 11:30 p.m., Brent and I were watching Saturday Night Live, when I hear the door knob turn and a little voice repeating the word, "MaMa, MaMa, MaMa..." Cullen had been in bed since 7:30. He got out of bed, with both of his blankets in tow, opened the bedroom door, shut it back, removed the dog gate, crossed the railroad tracks(Thomas the Train) and opened our make shift living room door. It was pitch black dark out there, and he managed to make it with everything he deems important in life: his blankets and pacifier to come find his parents and puppies. He did all of that just for someone to take him back to bed. That is really what he wanted. I picked him up, he laid his head on my shoulder and said,"Bed!" It was a long and trying journey. Cullen needed rest!

Cullen and Matthew may be miles away but are still pulling the same little stunts!