Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Singing and Dancing...

Cullen loves to sing and dance. When he hears music he goes to town. It started with just arm movements and has moved to full body motion! It is the cutest thing to watch. We put on a performance for Daddy the other night of "If Your Happy and You Know It". He is a very good performer!

Brent talked with one of the Daycare Directors the other day about Cullen. ...She says, "Oh, Cullen loves chapel!" Brent replies, "That is great." Says proceeds to tell Brent,"Yeah, Cullen just sings and dances the whole time!"

To my knowledge, Cullen does not do this at New Waverly Church of Christ. Then again when out of my sight there is no telling what he does. I am not sure what belief the Methodist Daycare thinks we are, but Cullen is the life of chapel!


Sisuahlai said...

Cool blog. Wanna learn a new language? Easy, come to sisuahlai's Hokkipedia. Something to add to the daycare activity.: ) sisuahlai.blogspot.com.

Anonymous said...

Wanda- this web page idea is great! It is nice to see how you guys are doing! I would love to know what the daycare people think you all do at church service with Cullen dancing in chapel the way he does!
