These are Cullen's Top 10 Ways to Fight Sleep on any given night:
10. When asked if you are ready for bed say"NO!" and begin spinning very fast.
9. When finished reading second book insist on reading as many more as possible.
8. When saying prayers bless everyone you can think of at least twice.
7. Throw your pacifier then say, "Uh Oh, get it."
6. Ask to be rocked then when rocking begins say,"Bed sleep me."
5. Ask if evryone is going to sleep including relatives in Alabama, Missouri, all animals in the house, and Elmo!
4. Point to, poke and name all body parts that you know.
3. With eyes closed, blanket tangled in arms, and pacifier in mouth clap your hands. If you miss, just spread fingers farther apart and hit harder.
2. Bang head on mattress while unraveling more of your favorite blanket.
The number one way to fight sleep:
Lie flat on your back, eyes closed, favorite blanket on chest, and pacifier in mouth then just as you drift off thrash arms and legs straight into the air allowing them to land anywhere they fall! (repeat this until you have no more left in you)
Railroad Trestle Hike
8 years ago
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