Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Cell Phone

My Papa let me use his Cell Phone! Well, my Papa lets me do anything I want...


Anonymous said...

Well, That's what papa's are for. This is a cute picture. Cullen you are growing up to fast. SLOW DOWN!.

Love Ya!
Nanny Lissa

Anonymous said...

It was fun to read your notes. I finally had time, you know, all this overload of school teaching. I know you said you found a place to live, did you buy one? Where are you teaching at and what grade? Girl I reallllly miss you guys. It's is still wierd to see that other lady in your place. Her blonde hair just can't replace you :)! Oh, and she is fattening everybody up with bad food at apple basket diner :) I mean, come on, hot dogs? There were alot of people in the teacher's lounge that day. Anyway, I'm just teasing, she seems very nice but things aren't the same of course, because I wish it were you! So, just let me know exactly, what are you up to girl? Tell Cullen Paige blows him a kiss! Oh, did I tell you she is at the babysitter Nanny Lissa's now, sound familiar :)!
Love, Mindy Singleton