Sunday, February 15, 2009

Jennifer is 1

Our Sweet Angel turned 1 February 8th. She has brought so much joy into our lives.
Her smile is so beautiful. Her voice is so sweet.
Her big blue eyes sparkle. Jennifer is so precious and loving.

At 12 months Jennifer can and likes:

  • She can say Mama, Dada, Bu Bu (Bubba), boo (book), aggie and Bye Bye.
  • She can walk around things and behind her walk toy with ease.
  • She has taken up to 3 steps alone.
  • She can make her toys work all by herself.
  • She blows kisses using the back of her hand mostly.
  • She gives big hugs and kisses to us and to her babies.
  • Jennifer's favorite things are her babies.
  • She loves to eat.
  • When she eats something that she likes, Jennifer will say, "UMUMUMUMUUU."
  • She loves the dogs and shares her food with them all of the time.
  • She knows sign language for more and eat.
  • She can feed herself and uses a sippy cup.
  • She can climb the stairs.
  • She likes to play in the dirt.
  • She likes to slide.
  • She doesn't like clothes.
  • She has her daddy wrapped around her little finger.
  • She loves Cullen so much.
  • She is a mama's girl.
Here are a few more pictures from her birthday.

Our Baby with her Birthday Baby!Loving her baby! Birthday Cake! First Bite...
I love my cake!!
Jennifer sharing her cake with her brother!
See my cake!
Rub it in, rub it in!

Sugar, sugar, sugar high!

I want to thank everyone who wished Jennifer a Happy Birthday and
for the presents she received. She loves them all!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

1st Birthday

Happy 1st Birthday Jennifer!

We love you!

Friday, February 06, 2009

I've Been Tagged

The Rules:
1. Go to where you store your digital photos and open the 4th folder.
2. Post the 4th picture in that folder.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag 4 people.

This picture is of Cullen the week of his 2 year old birthday. He really never used the potty chair. Cullen would go get it, sit it in front of the T.V. and play with his toys while he watched T.V. Sometimes he would have a diaper on and sometimes not. This time diapers were optional. Nonetheless, it is so cute.
I tag Stacy, Michelle, Emmy and Ashley.