I am still here. It has been hectic lately around the Estes house, so blogging has been slow. Jennifer brought home a stomach bug and passed it around. Now, she is sick again with a cold and more teeth trying to come in. I believe she is beginning to feel better.
Cullen is doing great. He loves to play his Wii. As most of you know, Cullen loves to dress himself in his favorite clothes all at the same time. Notice this picture of him sleeping. I didn't get a good picture of the christmas socks, but you can see the top and bottom of the pajamas are different. I thought it was precious so I couldn't resist snapping a picture. Jennifer is the fastest crawler around town, so we have put up the baby gates. She is not fond of them. Jennifer stands on them, shakes them, drags her toys across them and yells as she is doing it. I have now called them her baby jail.
Railroad Trestle Hike
8 years ago