Tuesday, September 02, 2008


August 18, 2008 was Jennifer's first day of daycare. It did not go well for all involved.
We both cried, and she refused to eat. Brent picked her up early her first few days.
It has gotten better.
Cullen's first day at Preschool (August 25th).
He was very excited to finally be in the big kid class at school.
Wow, he is so BIG!!! He even picked out his first day clothes.
He likes to pick out what he is going to wear.

Jennifer's first tooth (August 30th), and her first runny nose from daycare.


Michelle said...

Got to love the daycare runny nose!! Bo was well all summer, even going to daycare, but when the school year kids came back he got an awful virus! He is still battling a nasty cough! Love to all!

Ashley said...

You are in my prayers...we left Kynley for the 1st time at daycare yesterday, I cried the whole way to work!! Take care. Love, Ashley