Friday, May 05, 2006

Spring Sing

"Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
"Jesus Loves the Little Children"

Last night, Cullen made his first debut. They had practiced at school, and Cullen knew the first song really well. We waited for the little ones to walk in, and they were so cute. They lined up on the stage. You could see the surprise in their eyes when they saw all the people in the audience. The teachers started the song, and the kids did not follow along. Cullen just stared into the audience until the end. When the audience clapped so did Cullen with a big smile. The teachers started the second song and none of the kids followed along. Cullen did some of the hand motions for this song but no words came out of his little mouth.
They had practiced with no one in the audience, and I guess he had stage fright! He still was as cute as can be! He did a great job!!!!!