Monday, June 09, 2008


Sorry, the picture is dark. I did not want to wake him.
This is our big boy at home sleeping without his tonsils and adenoids. He did great during and after surgery. It was harder for mama and daddy than it was for Cullen. When the anesthesia finally wore off, he was excited about the bubblegum sleeping medicine. He said he made the balloon dance. Cullen was very brave, and he has been eating popsicles, jello, homemade chicken noodle soup and sherbert.
Thanks to everyone for the prayers, calls, and gifts!


Unknown said...

We went through the T&A surgery with Kylie back in the fall. It was very difficult for us too to see them take her to surgery. Recovery was rough the first 2 days but then she bounced back quick and was ready to head back to school by day 4. Hope Cullen recovers quickly!

Valerie James

Michelle said...

I'm glad to hear it went well. I hope this gives him some relief!

Unknown said...

Glad to see that Cullen did so well. Taylor is having hus taken out in Oct. Give the kids big hugs from us.

Love Susan & Taylor