Well, we thought we had Halloween taken care of. About two weeks ago, Cullen decided he wanted to be Batman for Halloween. We bought it and that was that. Last Thursday, a note from his school said they were having a "Storybook Halloween Parade" for Halloween. No Super Hero costumes or devilish creatures. This is great, but an advance notice would have helped. By this time every costume in our area is gone, and I am left to improvise. So, we decided to be Cat in the Hat. Easy enough?
After, shopping all evening Sunday after church with no luck. Cullen and I headed out early this morning for a Wal-mart across town. Again, no luck. At lunch today I left for Target and any other place that I might could find something. You can't imagine how hard it is to find a black pair of pants and a black long sleeved shirt this time of year. I'll tell you it is very hard. Anyway I did come back to school with bits and pieces of a Cat in the Hat costume that I hopefully can put together this evening. Wish me luck... I'll post picture of Cullen in the finished prduct.
Nanny Lissa, I sure could use your help.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Halloween Costumes
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Last night Cullen and I are in bed snuggled together reading books. It is time to turn the lights off, say prayers, and go to bed. After the first two things are completed, it is time to for us to snuggle in bed for sleepy time. Everything is quiet and Cullen is getting the wiggles out to become settled. I hear in a soft, angelic voice, "Mama, why do you have fuzzies on your legs?"
I am telling on myself...
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I Know...
It has been some time since I have blogged. Between sickness and studying for tests, I have not found the time. Those are pretty lame excuses but the truth.
Cullen is growing like a weed and becoming more stubborn as everyday passes. I wonder who he gets this trait from. Our family is in the midst of a power struggle. Who is in charge the two year old, Aggie, or the adults? Cullen would like for it to be him but is learning the hard way that it is not. Aggie still thinks that she is in charge and sometimes I wonder.
He is in the official running for the two year old that has the largest dinosaur collection. Every store we go in he asks if they have dinosaurs. He also tells me that I should be careful because the dinosaurs could eat him and his father. He is so much fun and so active.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
When Will It End?
How much more needs to happen before more protection is given in schools? Today at my school a gun was taken from a child. He brought it to school yesterday and today in his backpack. It was a pistol BB gun. A gun... He thought it was cool. The only reason he was caught was because he let someone see it on the bus. That child stuck the barrel in a girls face and scared her. I have yet to find out the punishment for the two boys, but I think a point needs to be made. That is how easy it is to get a gun into school. BB or not...
This happens in the middle of the deadliest week in schools across America. Schools should be a safe haven for children. Now some children are scared to attend school. I teach and sometimes do not feel safe. What is going to happen?
My prayers go out to the families involved and/or affected by the recent tragedies...