He had to try out his new swimsuit and goggles!
1. He is staring at a very large gumball machine. This is what I hear:
"Mom will not let me have a gumball. All those big gumballs. Mom will not let me have one."
a pause then he turns to me
"Mom, why can't I have a gumball? They contain lots of protien and that helps me grow. So, why no gumballs?"
2. This is a bedtime conversation after one fussy Jennifer went to sleep.
Me: "Thank you for being so patient while I got Jennifer settled down. I know it is hard sometimes because Jennifer requires a lot of attention right now."
Cullen; "You are welcome Mommy. I have an idea. If we get rid of the baby clothes, diapers and breastmilk, things would be better. You can give it to other people like you do with my clothes when they are to small."
Me: "Well, that is an idea, but Jennifer needs them right now."
Cullen: "Yeah, but things would be better if she didn't need the baby stuff."
3. Brent and Cullen jumping on the trampoline.
Cullen: "Look a bug."
Brent:"It's a deer fly."
Cullen: "I'm scared of them."
Brent: "You don't have to be scared of bugs. I'll tell you what to be scared of. You should be scared of Barack Obama being your president. You should be scared of rising gas prices. That is what you should be scared of."
Cullen: "O.K."
4. Brent and Cullen talking about super heros.
Cullen: "I want to be a superhero."
Brent: "What will your name be?"
Cullen: "Spiderman"
Cullen: "Superman"
Brent: "Taken"
Cullen: "Ironman"
Brent: "Taken"
Cullen: "I don't want to be superhero anymore. I want to be a bad guy. I'll be Candyman."
Brent: "What will your weapon be?"
Cullen: "Candy Spray Poisonous"
5. Bedtime
Cullen: "Can I watch one small show on the computer?"
Brent: "No"
Cullen: "How about two?"
Hope you enjoyed a few of his funnies!
Those boys are too funny!!!
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