Thursday, May 22, 2008


Just a recap:

  • Nana finished her month here taking care of Jennifer. Thank you very much!
  • Meme came back, stayed three weeks and is gone again. Thank you very much! She will be back for the first week in June because school will not be over for me until June 6th, and she will stay for Cullen's surgery.
  • Brent is off for two weeks. He is in between semesters. Brent is home keeping the little ones. Daddy Daycare has begun.
  • Cullen's last day of school was this past Friday. He of course, brought one last illness home with him. A virus which in turn affected his tonsils. It also caused him to break out in a horrible rash all over his body. He is now taking steroids for this. It has helped some but is slow.
  • Jennifer has been switched from rice cereal to oatmeal. She is very congested, has a cough and puffy eyes. Poor little one. Jennifer has also been sleeping through the night for over a week now. WOW! This is so nice. I did not know babies could actually do this. I heard talk of it but never truly believed it I guess. I am just now sleeping because I was waking up numerous times throughout the night to go in and check on her. She is laughing out loud not just cooing. What a sweet, sweet sound.
  • We have been in our new house for a year. It does not seem like it. A lot has happened since then. We still love it!!!!


Michelle said...

Sorry to hear about Cullen's tonsils. I hope everything goes well! The girls mentioned him for prayer in class. Jennifer is getting to be a big girl! I'm glad you are getting some rest!