It is either feast or famine with Cullen. He goes through stages where he eats nothing and then other times we cannot keep him full. He is beginning to try a larger variety of things.
Last night, MeMe brought me some of her salad that she had left over from lunch. This was no ordinary lunch or salad. She and Brent went to Pappadeauxs yesterday for lunch. This was a spinach and shrimp salad with a light bacon dressing. It was amazing!
I had already fed Cullen and was giving him a bath when I began to eat my salad. He decides that he wants a bite. I give him a spinach leaf with the stem still attached. He looks at it, plays with it for a moment, and then pops it in his mouth. He gets an odd look on his face, chews and swallows. "Good grass, Mama. More grass, please!" I laughed and told him it was spinach salad. He repeated, "Salad." "More grass Mama, More grass Mama." So I gave him more salad. He finished the salad portion for me. I did get a few shrimp!
Anyway, will I have to watch him closer when he plays in the yard? I fear he may try a variety of grass thinking it may all taste the same!
Railroad Trestle Hike
8 years ago
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