Friday, June 09, 2006


We have been busy so I have been well, slacking in the blog area.


  • We went ot Jeffrey's graduation. It was very nice with a get together afterwards. We are proud of you Jeff!
  • We stayed with PawPaw and GiGi. We spent the day fishing and enjoying the day. Cullen decided that swimming in PawPaw's pond was not such a bad idea and jumped out of the boat. Yes, he did have a life jacket on and me attached to part of his body before he could hit the water. NO FEAR!
  • I finished work last Tuesday. Out for the summer!
  • Cullen and I have been going to story time at the library on Thursdays. this week the Walker County EMT's did story time. They let the kids get on the ambulance and try out the equipment. My fearless two year let them hook him up to the heart monitor and oxygen mask. Maybe, he is use to the hospital equipment!
  • We took a quick trip to Alabama. Cullen enjoyed it greatly and so did everyone else. Cullen picked all of PaPa's blueberries from the trees and ate all of them. He swam with Brittany and Emily. We were able to visit with everyone. It was nice!
  • Tuesday night started our Music and Shakers Class. It is a parents and kids music class. Cullen really liked the music and instruments. He played "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" on the guitar. Yes, he it sounded wonderful. You know how the song goes. You row the boat gently down the stream well, Cullen's boat goes down the street!
  • We have been swimming at the Elkin's Lake Pool.
  • Poppy got the job in Illinois. Congratulations Poppy. We will miss you both.

That is all now!