Saturday, January 12, 2008

Conversations With Cullen

It is always fascinating to talk with Cullen. He says some of the most interesting and funny things. I need to be better about writing these things, down so that I will always remember the funny things he says. Here are a few things from the past week:
Cullen and I were turning off the T.V. and getting ready to get in the truck for church on Wednesday night.

Mom: " Cullen, you are #1."
Cullen: "Mom, you are #3."
Mom: "Who is #2?"
Cullen: "Aggie."
Mom: "I see."
Cullen: "Nomar is #4, Wally is #5, and Daddy is #6. That is how our family goes."

I must remind everyone that Wally is our recently deceased fish.

As Cullen is getting in the truck for church, he says, "I don't know why we have to go to church in the dark. Don't they know it is time for bed."

When we pulled in to the church parking lot, a sheriff pulled in behind us. I said, "The police are following us to church."

Cullen replies, "Mom, policeman need church, too."
We went to Lowe's to look at border for Jennifer's room. We left with nothing accomplished. As we were leaving:

Mom: "That is frustrating."
Cullen: "Mom, if it is frustrating then you need to stop, breathe, and think. That is what you need to do."
Dad and Mom, "What?"
Cullen: "Stop, breathe, and think. That is what Steve says on the T.V."
Mom: "Steve who?"
Dad and Cullen: "Steve from Blue's Clues."
Cullen: "Yes, that is what he says to do about frustrating."
We went to the mall not long ago to look around.

Mom: "Guys, I need to go to the restroom."
Cullen: "Knock yourself out."

I am living with one Big Brent and one Little Brent.
Cullen was making a loud clicking noise with the chair.

Mom: "Cullen, please stop,"
Mom: "Cullen, I am asking nicely again please stop."
Cullen: "I know what is next. How many times do I have to ask you to do soemthing? I'll answer it, too. 8 times."

As stated earlier, I am living with one Big Brent and one Little Brent.
I was not feeling well at all the other night and was telling Brent about it. Cullen came in the room and listened to the end of our discussion.

Cullen: "Well, has your water broke?"

Maybe he has gone to the baby doctor with us one to many times.