Saturday, May 31, 2008

Outside Activities


Me: "Brent, I need a new swimsuit."

Cullen: "Why? Did you grow out of it?"

Need I say anymore?

Monday, May 26, 2008

Conversations With Cullen Part 2

He had to try out his new swimsuit and goggles!

Cullen is a very humorous young man. I would love to just walk around with a tape recorder. Did I say tape recorder? I mean some type of recording device to catch the funny things he says. Here are a few conversations with Cullen:

1. He is staring at a very large gumball machine. This is what I hear:

"Mom will not let me have a gumball. All those big gumballs. Mom will not let me have one."
a pause then he turns to me
"Mom, why can't I have a gumball? They contain lots of protien and that helps me grow. So, why no gumballs?"

2. This is a bedtime conversation after one fussy Jennifer went to sleep.
Me: "Thank you for being so patient while I got Jennifer settled down. I know it is hard sometimes because Jennifer requires a lot of attention right now."
Cullen; "You are welcome Mommy. I have an idea. If we get rid of the baby clothes, diapers and breastmilk, things would be better. You can give it to other people like you do with my clothes when they are to small."
Me: "Well, that is an idea, but Jennifer needs them right now."
Cullen: "Yeah, but things would be better if she didn't need the baby stuff."
3. Brent and Cullen jumping on the trampoline.
Cullen: "Look a bug."
Brent:"It's a deer fly."
Cullen: "I'm scared of them."
Brent: "You don't have to be scared of bugs. I'll tell you what to be scared of. You should be scared of Barack Obama being your president. You should be scared of rising gas prices. That is what you should be scared of."
Cullen: "O.K."
4. Brent and Cullen talking about super heros.
Cullen: "I want to be a superhero."
Brent: "What will your name be?"
Cullen: "Spiderman"
Cullen: "Superman"
Brent: "Taken"
Cullen: "Ironman"
Brent: "Taken"
Cullen: "I don't want to be superhero anymore. I want to be a bad guy. I'll be Candyman."
Brent: "What will your weapon be?"
Cullen: "Candy Spray Poisonous"
5. Bedtime
Cullen: "Can I watch one small show on the computer?"
Brent: "No"
Cullen: "How about two?"
Hope you enjoyed a few of his funnies!


Jennifer loves to watch Cullen!

He can make her smile

and laugh.

Keep your eye on the ball.

What is next, Cullen?

Sweet kisses!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008


Just a recap:

  • Nana finished her month here taking care of Jennifer. Thank you very much!
  • Meme came back, stayed three weeks and is gone again. Thank you very much! She will be back for the first week in June because school will not be over for me until June 6th, and she will stay for Cullen's surgery.
  • Brent is off for two weeks. He is in between semesters. Brent is home keeping the little ones. Daddy Daycare has begun.
  • Cullen's last day of school was this past Friday. He of course, brought one last illness home with him. A virus which in turn affected his tonsils. It also caused him to break out in a horrible rash all over his body. He is now taking steroids for this. It has helped some but is slow.
  • Jennifer has been switched from rice cereal to oatmeal. She is very congested, has a cough and puffy eyes. Poor little one. Jennifer has also been sleeping through the night for over a week now. WOW! This is so nice. I did not know babies could actually do this. I heard talk of it but never truly believed it I guess. I am just now sleeping because I was waking up numerous times throughout the night to go in and check on her. She is laughing out loud not just cooing. What a sweet, sweet sound.
  • We have been in our new house for a year. It does not seem like it. A lot has happened since then. We still love it!!!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day

Here is a picture of my fantastic Mother's Day Present!

I hope that all of our family and friends had a great Mother's Day!

I had a very relaxing Mother's Day. We went to church, out to eat, and then came home and played in the yard. It was a beautiful day.

My present from Cullen is the most precious thing. He was so excited to make it for me and to give it to me. Cullen had a very hard time keeping it a secret from Friday to Sunday morning. He would tell me, "Ms. Jamie said I have to wait until Mother's Day. Is it Mother's Day yet?" I will always remember the excitement in his eyes when he gave it to me Mother's Day morning. That look and enthusiasm was the best present I could have ever gotten.
My present everyday from both of my babies is them! I am a very blessed mother!

Friday, May 09, 2008

3 Months Old

Yesterday, Jennifer turned 3 months old. She changes everyday. Update on her:

Jennifer has been trying to lift her head since she was one day old. She has mastered it and holds it up for long periods of time. Jennifer has great control of her head and neck. She also pushes up on her legs and tries to sit straight up in her boppy seat.

Since she was about two months, she has been able to grab the animals on her playmate. Cullen likes to lay with her and push the animals for her to grab. She thinks that is alot of fun to play with big brother.

Smiling, laughing, and talking are three things she does all the time. Jennifer's smile will melt your heart. She is a happy baby, unless she is riding in the car, hungry, or wants a diaper change.

She has eyes that are a beautiful blue, just like the two handsome guys in our family.

Jennifer's hair is still falling out, and the hair that is returning is light colored but has some reddish tones to it. We will have to wait and see about that.

Jennifer's sleeping habits are: she doesn't sleep much during the day. I give her a rice cereal bottle (started last Tuesday) at 8:00 p.m. She is then is ready for bed and sleeps until about 4:00 a.m. Wakes up ready to eat again.

Sweet smile with constantly moving arms and legs.

Sweet Girl!

Monday, May 05, 2008


Saturday at the Zoo!
Sporting some awesome looking shades.

We had to see the "Maflingos." (flamingos)

Cullen loved the Maned Wolf.

Do not drink from the Lion just pretend for the picture!

The carousel ride. Cullen' s bird beat Brent's bear.

Frog Pose!

We had a great time. Both of the kids were terrific. Jennifer enjoyed riding in the snugly, and Cullen loved all the animals. I believe his favorites were the snakes and the maned wolf this time.